Summer is right around the corner and it's season for vibrant and luscious, fresh blueberries. Whether you get yours from the store or pick yourselves from your favorite farms, you might end up with a lot of blueberries. Keep checking this page for an ever growing list of eggless recipes using blueberries (fresh and frozen) because it's my absolute favorite and lucky fruit when it comes to baking. No recipe which uses blueberries has ever gone wrong for me.
The BEST Eggless Pancakes Ever!
Vegan Blueberry Orange Muffins
Blueberry Cream Muffins
Vegan Blueberry Muffins
The BEST Blueberry Muffins With Streusel Crumble Topping
Blueberry Oats Bundt Cake
The BEST Eggless Blueberry Scones (Bakery Style)
Low Fat Blueberry Coffee Cake
Berry Kale Smoothie
Vegan Mango Blueberry Smoothie
Vegan Blueberry Bran Muffins
Vegan Blueberry Oats Waffles