AsNeededGreen Bell Pepper(Depending Upon The Quantity Of Upma)
Wash the bell pepper and cut off the tops carefully, because you need it to close the pepper and cook.
Now remove the seeds inside the pepper and those sticking to the stalk.
Fill the upma inside the pepper and close it back with the top.
Add some water in a frying pan and let it get hot.
Now keep an idli plate inside and arrange the peppers on the plate, close the frying pan with a lid and let it cook for 8-10 minutes.
Turn off the stove and let it cool completely before you cut it lengthwise and drizzle some chutney all over and serve.
In the original recipe, the method mentioned for cooking the bell pepper was to add 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan, arrange the bell peppers in it and sprinkle some salt water on top of the peppers and to cook for 8-10 minutes. But this did not work, the pan started to brown in the inside and the pepper was no where close to get cooked. Then only I got this idea of steaming the pepper and it worked. But don't steam it too much, the pepper will become very flimsy and cutting will become a problem.
Also add salt and chilies a little more than you always use for the regular upma, because the pepper does not have any flavoring.