This page specifically describes how to use vinegar as an egg substitute in baking. Check out other possible egg substitute ingredients, quantity, and best suitable baking recipes here.
First I would like to thank all my blogging buddies for flooding my inbox with recipes using EnerG egg replacer powder. You all know that my husband only does the round up right! I have to give him the content and he will take care of the presentation part. Since he is extremely busy with his office work, he can work on this only on Sunday. So wait until Monday to see what wonders you can create with egg replacer powder.
This month's egg substitute is vinegar. I read in a couple of books that 1 tablespoon of vinegar along with 1 teaspoon of baking soda can be substituted for 1 egg. Both white distilled vinegar and apple cider vinegar can be used. This combination works best in cakes, cupcakes and quick breads. I also read in few forums that 2 tablespoons of lemon juice can be used in place of the 1 tablespoon vinegar. So for this event you could use either, but I have to mention here that I have not tried the lemon juice substitution.
Also I see a lot of baking recipes with vinegar, especially in various vegan books, websites and forums. You can try those recipes also. That is, you could either take a recipe which has eggs and substitute it with vinegar or try recipes which already has vinegar in it and is eggless too.
jack says
I read something similar in a grassroots mag,it works but it's when you put it in that determines the result. I have found that by putting in the egg subsitute last works realy well, and I only use half a teaspoon of baking powder, but if the recipe you are making requires baking soda then there's no need to put it in with the vinegar. Hope this is of some help.
Madhuram says
Thanks for the input Jack. It's interesting to note that you say that vinegar is not necessary with baking soda because all the recipes I have seen so far using vinegar has baking soda in it. Let me look into this subject.
jess says
I think this is off, I tried this on sunday and my cupcakes came out tasting like shit. I think its too much baking soda. Might wanna try cutting down the teaspoon of baking soda.
Pat Nalbone says
😆 I love this website!! The receipes are WONDERFUL!
I am so glad my daughter started eating vegan because I
am becoming a vegan too.
Please keep up the good work. I am spreading the word about
this website! Thank you!!
Madhuram says
Thank you very much Pat.
sukhi says
hi madhuram,
have u got any substitution for eggs that can be used to make all kind of desserts??
Check this link: http://www.egglesscooking.com/egg-replacements/
Cham says
I sent my entry Madhu 🙂
Deepali says
Hi Madhuram,
Its my 1st time. I love baking n decorating cakes. I have used lemon juice as vinegar substitute. I am sending u my favourite chocolate cake recipe for your event that has been tried and tested 100's of times.
That's wonderful Deepali. You can send some pictures too, if you have any.
Priya says
Hi Madhuram,
I am the same priya who was asking you some doubts regarding egg replacement sometime back.I have posted an eggless chocolate cake recipe using vinegar for your event.Looking forward to posting and hosting events in future.
Vaishali says
Lovely choice, Madhuram. I've never used just vinegar as a substitute for egg, so this sounds like a great idea to experiment with. Count me in!
Thanks Vaishali.
DK says
Vinegar, as egg substitute?????????????? 😯
umm...this will sure take some mind wrecking research 🙂
Will try to chip in dear
Thanks DK.
Usha says
I have never used vinegar as an egg subsitute, sounds intriguing...I hope I am able to come up with something for the event. Looking forward to the roundup !
krystyna says
Good to know about vinegar, thanks for this post!
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Dear Krystyna, happy Valentine's Day to you too.
Sunshinemom says
I use anything citrusy to give me a soft fluffy texture - even orange or mosambi juice does the trick but I always have used this in combination to tofu. Is that alright?
Priya says
COunt me in..never tried bakes with vinegar too..will try to experiment too..
Priya, how can I not count you!
Cham says
I never knew the vinegar can be replaced, I will try to experiment this one. Vinegar is always in my pantry 😉
Sure Cham, would be delighted to have an entry from you.
Asha says
Didn't know about vinegar as egg replacement. Good info! 🙂
Thanks Asha
Sweatha says
Count me in dear.First thing,I will do on reaching India is get myself an oven.Then its experiment time 😐 .This time expect more than anyother replacements as this is in every household.Again,hope ou got my 3 entries.Thanks for waiting 😆
Sure Sweatha. Have a fun trip.