Earlier last week, I stumbled upon Rachna's blog and found a an interesting recipe for preparing laddus using peanut butter. It's such an easy recipe, with no cooking at all. Surprisingly I had all the ingredients at home and moreover it was my friend's daughter's birthday, so I went ahead and made it immediately.
First I tried it with peanut butter. One thing I forgot to notice was, the peanut butter had sodium in it, so the laddus were both sweet and salty. But we did like the taste.
Later I remembered about the almond butter which was lying in my pantry after using it for the almond butter bread. Immediately I checked the nutrition label and I saw 0gm Sodium. So I made the ladoos again with almond butter and it was absolutely delicious.
For my laddoos I used ½ a cup of almond butter, ¼ a cup of regular icing sugar, ¼ cup of khoya and a pinch of cardamom powder. Simply combine all the ingredients and shape it into balls. I got 13 small ladoos for this measurement.
bee says
i would love to make this. what can i use instead of khoya? lemme think.
SPillay says
Hi Madhuram. Sorry about not being around for a while. But didn't mean that I had forgotten about you 🙂 . How have you been? 🙂
Priya says
These Quick laddus looks awesome!
Vidya says
Yum..looks delicious
Rachna says
Hey Madhu,
Im so glad you liked the ladoos, you had a question on cooking them or not, well the first time I cooked the mixture, but the second time I didnt, so do what suits your tastebuds... and making them with almond butter is sucha cool idea.... nice 🙂
vanamala says
Delicious 🙄
Vaishali says
How lovely, Madhuram. These look divinely delicious.
DivyA Vikram says
Easy tasty snacck..
notyet100 says
looks delicious,..thnks for sharin,.. 😉
Roma says
Laddus look delicious and really so simple to make. I love these 'no-cook' laddus specially on certain poojas when you need to make at least 3-4 different types of sweets. This one is definitely a recipe to keep in mind.
Mona says
Looks delicious!!
Cham says
Can i grab one ? 😛 Looks delicous 🙂
sireesha says
Awesome and mouthwatering laddus mahuram.....Love the color...
kalva says
Wow.. looks delicious.. new one to me dear
Mansi says
these look delicious Madhu! I could easily eat all 6 of them 😆
sivajini says
Madhu accka the recipe looks superb.
I have a question though...What is Khoya? Is there another name for it?I have never heard of it till now. Did you get at the local grocers or an Indian store?
I'm just trying to figure out if I'd be able to get it here in Toronto.
JZ @ Tasty treats says
awesome laddus, madhu! perfectly shaped and reeeeeeally tempting! 🙂
Laavanya says
Laddus look ravishing Madhuram...
Jayasree says
Delicious laddus. Loved the color.
Laksh says
Yummo!!! Looks really nice!