This page specifically describes how to use vinegar as an egg substitute in baking. Check out other possible egg substitute ingredients, quantity, and best suitable baking recipes here.
First I would like to thank all my blogging buddies for flooding my inbox with recipes using EnerG egg replacer powder. You all know that my husband only does the round up right! I have to give him the content and he will take care of the presentation part. Since he is extremely busy with his office work, he can work on this only on Sunday. So wait until Monday to see what wonders you can create with egg replacer powder.
This month's egg substitute is vinegar. I read in a couple of books that 1 tablespoon of vinegar along with 1 teaspoon of baking soda can be substituted for 1 egg. Both white distilled vinegar and apple cider vinegar can be used. This combination works best in cakes, cupcakes and quick breads. I also read in few forums that 2 tablespoons of lemon juice can be used in place of the 1 tablespoon vinegar. So for this event you could use either, but I have to mention here that I have not tried the lemon juice substitution.
Also I see a lot of baking recipes with vinegar, especially in various vegan books, websites and forums. You can try those recipes also. That is, you could either take a recipe which has eggs and substitute it with vinegar or try recipes which already has vinegar in it and is eggless too.
Brad says
I am wondering if instead of baking soda can you use cornstarch? I make "greaseless" gravy all the time with equal parts malt vinegar and cornstarch along with powdered bouillon & water. And it of course thickens it rather well. Do you think cornstarch & malt vinegar would work as a binder for Jiffy cornbread mix? I won't be buying eggs again until bird flu is gone and they are back to a reasonable price. But that won't be anytime soon, because bird flu has been raging for over 3 years now and has gotten even worse lately.
Madhuram says
Vinegar and baking soda combination works great as egg substitute where the egg is used in a recipe to give a light and airy texture and to give a rise to the baked goods and not necessarily as a binding agent. So vinegar and cornstarch might not always work. Depending on the other ingredients in the cornbread mix you can take a call as to which egg substitute you can use.
David Atuke says
Can you still use baking soda, vinegar and baking powder in a recipe for cakes?
Madhuram says
It depends what other ingredients are used in the recipe.
N says
Has anyone had their cakes boils over and burn using this vinegar and baking soda method? We used this to substitute 1 egg.
Madhuram says
I have never experienced this. N.
Karen Morland says
Any kind of vinegar even apple cider vinegar is not good for you like you have been led to believe ,google Medical Medium apple cider vinegar ,and read the reason why .lemon is the better and safer option or use a banana instead to replace egg and a good heaped teaspoon of baking powder helps cakes to rise xx
Sonam says
After using 1 tbsp vinegar And one teaspoon baking soda. For two eggs We have to use. 2 tbsp vinegar and 2 teaspoon but after baking taste the soda is more and how to solve the problem
Madhuram says
Using vinegar and baking soda as an egg substitute works only when you have to replace one egg. If it's more than 1 egg you shouldn't increase the vinegar and baking soda because it will have an after taste. So you do have to look into some other egg substitutes for the whole recipe or do part vinegar and part another egg substitute.
Angel says
How to substitute 4 eggs?
Madhuram says
If it's for cakes the best substitute is 1/2 cup of pureed silken tofu and 1/2 cup of plain yogurt.